Quantum Condensed and Coherent Systems
We carry out theoretical studies on various types of solid state systems.
Our research focus encompasses natural and artificial materials as well as devices, with quantum coherence playing a central role. We study the phenomenological properties of type II superconductors, Vortex Matter, a secondary soft matter system with fascinating properties. Its statistical physics (in the presence of disorder) and its dynamics are of fundamental (novel phases) as well as practical (dissipation-free transport) interest. We study stacked graphene systems, either deposited on a substrate or arranged in bi- or multi-layers. These materials can be quantum engineered in various ways (e.g, via twists leading to moiré superstructures and interlayer bias), what allows for the generation of flat or topological bands that exhibit new ordered states (superconductivity, magnetism). We study artificial materials, cold atoms trapped in optical lattices or photons in non-linear cavity arrays—these systems exhibit novel quantum phases and non-trivial non-equilibrium steady states. Our work on devices combines superconductivity, mesoscopics, and quantum information. We study qubits made from superconducting structures including Josephson junctions made from unconventional material. Our studies of mesoscopic transport, noise, and full counting statistics has led us to new algorithms for quantum counting and quantum metrology, entanglement and quantum thermodynamics.