Prof. em. Dr. Christoph Schmid

Prof. em. Dr.  Christoph Schmid

Prof. em. Dr. Christoph Schmid

Professor Emeritus at the Department of Physics

ETH Zürich

Institut für Theoretische Physik

HIT K 12.1

Wolfgang-Pauli-Str. 27

8093 Zürich


Additional information

Christoph Schmid has been full Professor of Theoretical Physics at the ETH Zurich since 1972. He retired on October 1, 2002.

Prof. Schmid was born on September 19, 1937 and comes from Möriken-Wildegg AG. He completed his studies at the ETH in 1962 with a degree in theoretical physics. His doctorate in the field of theoretical particle physics was earned at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology under Francis Low in 1966. He was a postdoctoral fellow under Murray Gell-Mann at the California Institute of Technology, where he introduced the Regge resonance duality together with Dolen and Horn. Later he spent a postdoc period under Geoffrey Chew at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. From 1968 to1972 he was a fellow and staff member of CERN until his appointment to the ETH.

His research in the 1970s involved the field of STARKEN WECHSELWIRKUNGEN; in the mid-eighties his attention focused on magnetic monopolies DEN DURCH DIESE KATALYSIERTEN BARYONZERFALL UND üBER TEILCHENPAARPRODUKTION DURCH DIE AXIALE ANOMALIE. Since 1988 his interests are devoted to quantum field theory in äUSSEREN GRATIVATIONSFELDERN and particle physics in the early universe, particularly cosmological structural formation.

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