Computational Physics

Prof. Schulthess | Group pages
Computational Material Science
Numerical simulations of a wide range of physical and interdisciplinary problems as well as on the development of new object-oriented parallel simulation codes, covering equilibrium and non-equilibrium physics, augmented ab initio schemes (DFT+DCA), novel quantum simulation algorithms, and econophysics.
Prof. Marinkovic
Computational Lattice Field Theory
Algorithmic advances and large scale simulations of the strong and electromagnetic interactions in the Standard Model of particle physics, as well as the interface between theoretical and computational aspects of lattice gauge theories and other strongly interacting systems. We develop packages for precise quantum field theory simulations that are publicly available external page openQxD and optimized for high performance computing infrastructures.
In addition to first principle calculations for particle physics based on conventional Monte Carlo (MC) approaches as well as machine learning enhanced MC, we are developing quantum algorithms for NISQ devices, a work which was recently recognized by the external page Google Faculty Research Award.