Quantum Field Theory 2
Spring Semester 2018, ETH Zurich
Gauge theories govern the laws of physics at the highest energies that we have been able to explore with man-made experiments. This course discusses the quantisation, self-consistency and some of the most important theoretical properties of gauge theories.
Topics include:
- path integral quantization
- non-abelian gauge theories and their quantization
- systematics of renormalization, including BRST symmetry,
Slavnov-Taylor identities - gauge theories with spontaneous symmetry breaking and
their quantization - renormalization of spontaneously broken gauge theories
- quantum effective action
- Infrared divergences in gauge theories
Lecture Hall & time: HCI J 7, Monday 13:45-15:30
HCI J 3, Friday 10:45-11:30
- Mr Andrea Dei, HIT F 31.2, Wednesday 08:45-10:30
- Mr external page Marius Höfer, HCI J 8, Friday 08:45 - 10:30
- Mr external page Daniel Hulme, HCI J 3, Friday 08:45 - 10:30
A script of the QFT2 lectures can be found here. A script of the QFT1 lectures can be found here.
Exercises can be found external page here. They will be available weekly on Tuesday afternoon (before the Wednesday/Friday exercise classes). If you would like your solutions of the weekly exercises to be corrected and to receive personalised feedback please email a scanned copy to your tutor before Monday 4pm.