Quantum Field Theory and Strings
The group is interested in quantum field theory, quantum gravity, string theory and conformal field theory. In particular, research is focussed on symmetries of these theories and special features such as integrability.

Quantum Field Theory and Strings Group | top: J. Bosma, A. Garus, R. Hecht, B. Hoare, B. Oblak, S. Datta, M. Gaberdiel | bottom: D. Hansen, C. Keller, I. Zadeh, A. Dei, A. Sfondrini, F. Seibold, K. Ferreira, J. Jottar, T. Gemuenden, N. Beisert (top), M. Sprenger (bottom), Y. Zhang, L. Eberhardt, W. Galleas (March 2017). (Photo: Heidi Hostettler/D-PHYS)
The group is part of the external page NCCR SwissMAP, and it is funded in parts by individual external page SNSF grants.